Motorised Projector Screens
The motorised projector screen range from Euroscreen has mutliple options to choose from. Although the options can be dauntingly vast - we have focused on their Linea, Loke, Diplomat Electric & Connect Electric product lines.
The Linea motorised drop down screens are a range available in 1.8m - 3.0m wide, with tab tension also available. Screen materials for the line are from: Xpert, Flexwhite, React 3.0, Flexrear, Flexgrey, Flexperf (on tab tensioned model).
The Loke motorised drop down screens are a range available in 2.4m - 3.5m wide, with tab tension also available. Loke has the largest range of fabric options of all the screens. Screen materials for the line are from: Xpert, Arctiq, Flexwhite, React 3.0, Flexrear, Flexgrey
The Diplomat electric motorised drop down screens are a range available in 1.6m - 3.0m wide, with tab tension also available. The Diplomat Electric also has an ultra quiet motor option too. Screen materials for the line are from: Xpert, Arctiq, Greylight, Flexwhite, Flexgrey, Flexperf (on tab tensioned model).
Finally; the Connect Electric motorised drop down screens are a range available in 1.6m - 3.0m wide. Screen material: Arctiq.
NOTE: The product lisitings are for guideline purposes only. Please contact us directly for any orders and specifications - as due to the customisable nature of the product lines, they cannot all be listed.
Motorised Projection Screens
Euroscreen® Connect Electric - Motorised Projection Screen
Euroscreen® Connect Electric -...
Euroscreen® Diplomat Electric - Motorised Projection Screen
Euroscreen® Diplomat Electric -...
Euroscreen® Diplomat TT - Motorised Projection Screen
Euroscreen® Diplomat TT - Tab Tensioned...
Euroscreen® Linea TT - Motorised Projection Screen
Euroscreen® Linea - Tab Tensioned...
Euroscreen® Loke - Motorised Projection Screen
Euroscreen® Loke - Motorised Projection...
Euroscreen® Loke TT - Motorised Projection Screen
Euroscreen® Loke - Tab Tensioned...