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Euroscreen® Frame Vision Edgeless - Fixed Projection Screen

Euroscreen® Frame Vision Edgeless - Fixed Projection Screen (2.0m - 5.5m).

The frame itself provides full vision.

By simply mounting the fabric in the rear groove of the frame extrusions we obtain a perfectly flat, completely white screen of remarkable dimensions. Fast and clean installation remains an absolute prerogative of this screen even though its main quality is beauty.

Simply white, perfectly flat and clean, it stands out with its elegance and harmony in any application, satisfying the requirements of the most demanding client.

NOTE: The product lisitings are for guideline purposes only. Please contact us directly for any orders and specifications for Euroscreen - as due to the customisable nature of the product lines, they cannot all be listed.

Frame Vision Edgeless - Fixed Projection Screen - Features & Specifications:

  • Standard format of the viewing area is 16:9
  • No visible edge
  • Screen surface:
    - Flex Grey: Pliable gray front surface, superb colour rendition, 8K compliant. Gain 0.8
    - FlexWhite: Pliable matt white front surface, superb colour rendition,8K compliant. Gain 1.0.
    - ReAct 3.0: Pliable silver grey front surface, enhances colour contrast in bright light, 8K compliant. Gain 1.0.
  • Available in sizes 2m - 5.5m

Frame Vision Edgeless - Fixed Projection Screen - Resources & Downloads: